You must have expected a finer dessert than choco muffins in the tiffin you gave to your neighbour at least once. Don’t lie. I know, I know! Because I know exactly how you feel. Surprisingly, I was given a caramel custard instead of the muffins I gave last week. I’m not going to lie, it was absolutely delectable. So, what comes next? Of course, I learned the recipe and now I’m sharing it with you.
Caramel Custard is a classic French delicacy that features a layer of creamy caramel on top of silken custard. It’s a simple dish created with only a few ingredients, but it’s always a treat for the taste buds. This custard has a classic flavour and always reminds me of joyful times. If you’re a chocolate fan, top this custard dish with some handmade chocolate ganache and roasted dried nuts for a delicious sweet treat. If you enjoy fruits, you can top the dessert with your favourite fruits and enjoy the goodness with your loved ones.
Prep. Time: 15 mins
Cook time: 45mins.
For the caramel
● 1 cup of sugar
● ¼ cup water
For the custard
● 2 whole eggs and 1 yolk
● 250 ml milk
● 6 tsp sugar
● 1tsp vanilla essence
● Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit).
● In an open pan over medium heat, combine 12 cup sugar and water and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. To keep the caramel from crystallising, don’t stir the mixture. Turn off the heat when the caramel has turned a dark amber colour. Make sure you don’t leave the caramel unattended.
● Pour the hot caramel into a 5-ounce (150 ml) ramekin and spoon in the mixture carefully because the caramel is extremely hot. Allow the ramekins to cool and the caramel to harden into a brittle state.
● Add two entire eggs and one yolk to an open glass dish with the sugar and whisk quickly until the eggs are a bright yellow colour.
● Add the vanilla extract and milk to the egg mixture and stir until no more foam forms.
● Place half of the ramekins in an ovenproof deep dish with boiling water, then spoon the egg mixture into the ramekins with the caramel brittle.
● Now, just cover the ramekins with aluminium foil and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until a spear comes out clean.
● Before toppling the ramekins, allow them to cool completely.
● This dessert can be served at room temperature or cooled.
Custards are simple to make, but they require some careful loving care when baking. Curdling can be avoided by slow cooking and mild heat in a water bath.
Measure the milk in a 4-cup glass measuring cup, then microwave it on high for about 5 minutes, or until very warm.
Caramel custard is the ideal dessert to accompany a simple continental meal. This delectable dessert is perfect for kitty parties, potlucks, and even family gatherings.
Last Updated on August 16, 2021