What is food science? This sounds very technical to us. Food science in simple words is processing the food that we eat. It includes harvesting, processing, storage, and packaging of food. This is done through different physical, chemical, and biological ways.
And how does it affect the food that we intake? There are a lot of queries that revolve in our minds.
Food science and human nutrition are interrelated to each other. Nutrition is the consumption and utilization of food and its impact on human health. Food science plays an inevitable role in human nutrition as it widens our outlook on the food we consume. It’s not just about food; rather it’s about the whole process. For example- By developing seeds, fruits can be obtained, and later they can be processed into juice. It includes various processes like pasteurization, canning, freezing, concentrating, evaporation, and spray drying.
Why is nutrition important?
A healthy diet promotes development, support adequate body growth, helps to maintain healthy body weight, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases which leads to the overall well-being of an individual.
Food rich in proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates, and fats should be consumed as it provides the immunity necessary for our body. A balanced diet that includes all these nutrients is important for overall growth and development. For example-
• Proteins include food such as beans, soya, eggs, milk, nuts, seeds, and many more. This helps repair your body tissues and cells helps in fighting infections, breakdown food into energy, and maintains a proper PH balance.
• Carbohydrates include food such as bread, potatoes, corn, rice, milk, etc. They help you gain energy, breakdown of fatty acids and spare the use of fats and protein to repair tissues.
• Fats include food such as cheese, avocadoes, nuts, dark chocolate, etc. It is one of the major sources of energy in our body. For good health, a moderate amount of fat is also needed in our diet as it also performs an important function.
• Calcium includes food such as milk, green vegetables, fish, broccoli, yoghurt, etc. It keeps your bones and teeth healthy. Also, it prevents blood clotting, gives a structure to your body, and controls heart-related diseases.
• Vitamins include food such as cereals, fruit, and vegetables, fish, nuts, etc. They perform multiple roles in your body and improve immunity. They help you fight against common diseases and increase your metabolism.
• Fibre includes food such as broccoli, carrot, berries, melon, oranges, etc. It keeps the digestion system healthy and has various health benefits as well.
Due to the hectic schedules and busy working hours, we tend to forget about our health which leads to more demand for healthy organic food. Our society has evolved over time and so is a healthy lifestyle. Food has become the main focus of human existence. So, it becomes important for us to know the food and the technology which is used in preparing it.
Last Updated on August 25, 2021