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Turmeric has been a native traditional remedy of Indian homes for centuries. It has been used for centuries as a wonderful remedy that can cure many ailments like fever, cold, headache, physical weakness and so on. It belongs to the ginger family. It is used for glowing skin and also to remove dark patches of skin. As a health benefit consuming it is good to get rid of depression and anxiety. It burns belly fat. It has been declared as one of the Ayurveda herbs which have lot of utility.
Nature is so brilliant and always adorns us with its beauty, fragrance and specialities.
We are lucky to have this beautiful earth as a planet we live on, we should always be indebted to it because we all are subject to this beautiful earth and its nature.
So why not know some miraculous elixir of this miraculous turmeric. Turmeric is used as a vegetable, for wound healing and also for ailments. It has a lot of quality.
Today we will learn about one such recipe which is trendy all over India. I am from North India so I will share my experience with all of you. We are going to make Haldi Doodh, in English we call it spicy turmeric milk which is a combination and consolidation of Tumeric, Jaggery, Milk and Ginger, Black Pepper, Cardamom and basil’s leaves which is also very virtuous.


• Milk one litre
• Ginger, a small piece
• Black pepper 4-5 grains
• Cardamom 2-3
• Jaggery 6-7 ice cube sized
• Basil’s leaves
• Turmeric 2 full medium spoons.

Process :

  1. So we have to pour milk into a vessel and let it boil
  2. Till then make the paste of ginger, cardamom, black pepper together, by grinding it in a mortar.
  3. After milk gets boiled, add this grounded item into it and add basil’s leaves and also two spoons of turmeric powder into boiling milk, reducing the flame to medium.
  4. Cook it for 10-15 minutes approx.
  5. Till then ground the jaggery cubes and make them powdered.
  6. After getting the milk boiled for about 15 minutes remove the vessel from heat, switch off the flame and keep it aside for a few minutes to let it cool down a bit.
    Do not ever try to add jaggery into hot milk. Lest it will curdle.
  7. Now after 8-10 minutes start adding gradually the powdered Jaggery into milk and start mixing it with another hand at the same time.
  8. Stir it well and now it’s ready to serve.

Serve this virtuous elixir to your people and make them healthy.
It’s very virtuous for kids and also for the older people.
It cures headaches, colds, fever and many ailments like these.
Turmeric is very useful in wounds as well in many ways like removing hairs from the body.
So I hope you all will like this elixir and add it to your life. Inculcating this amazing recipe into your routine will benefit you in many more ways, folks. Stay happy and safe and sound.

Last Updated on March 30, 2022

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