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These days processed foods are very much convenient; however, did you know that if your diet lacks alkaline food, then it can affect the pH balance of your body negatively and can cause several health issues? The idea of alkaline food versus acidic food was never much discussed until recently; however, scientists and doctors have found that it is a vital conversation, which should happen. Keeping the pH balance of the body under control can be an essential component when it comes to combating all types of illnesses.

The pH balance and your body:

You might have read that substances can be either alkaline or acid. Do you remember dipping pH testing strips into vinegar and bleach to see whether they have turned pink or blue? Everything that we all eat falls on the pH scale and by eating such food, we are affecting our bodies’ overall pH balance. In case we eat several things, which are acidic, our body even tends to become acidic. And in case we consume alkaline foods, on the other side, our bodies will become more alkaline.
The human body was intended to run in a somewhat alkaline state (our body is quite complex and for instance, some parts of our digestive tract are intentionally acidic). The majority of the food items that we eat these days are acidic in nature. Think about coffee that most of us have for breakfast, the sodas that we swill down, and the meat that we have for dinner. Well, each of these food items affects the pH balance of our body and makes it even more acidic. So, we should consume alkaline foods that help in restoring the proper pH balance.

Acidic bodies are not healthy bodies:
Several reasons are there that tell us that we need to avoid making an acidic environment inside our bodies. One of the most vital reason is that unwanted organisms like yeast and bacteria grow easily when the body’s pH balance gets acidic. But our cells should be alkaline to function properly.
When you don’t consume the needed amount of alkaline foods, then your cells struggle for surviving, and many of them eventually die. As an alkaline state is so essential to the healthy function of one’s body, so it would do every single thing that it can for restoring a good pH balance. Calcium is mainly used for restoring alkalinity, and if necessary, the body would steal calcium from the teeth and bones. And this is one of the important reasons that sugary substances and soda cause bone loss and tooth decay.

Start having alkaline foods:
Consuming alkaline foods is a vital step to restore the body’s pH balance. But what are those food alkaline food items that we should eat? Well, here you’ll get to see a few of them.

Good alkaline foods:
• Spinach
• Soybeans
• Dried apricots
• Raisins
• Prunes
• Figs
• Sprouts
• Kale
• Guava
• Dates
• Cucumbers
• Carrots
• Coconut
• Cabbage
• Almonds
• Mangoes
• Oranges

Many other alkaline food items are there, which can help in restoring the body’s pH balance. And by adding them to your diet plan, while cutting out beverages and more acidic foods, you can easily improve your overall well-being and your energy level too.

Last Updated on August 26, 2021

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